
Links to Funding Resources
The page will be updated regularly. Contact Haley Morris at if you have any questions.
Current Opportunities:
PSP’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Tracker: This tool tracks funding in the BIL related to Puget Sound recovery priorities, to view the BIL funding tracker please click HERE (updated regularly). PSP also produced an End-of-Session Review for the 117th Congress, to read up on it click HERE.
Federal Funding for Nature Based Solutions: The National Wildlife Federation has developed a new searchable database of federal funding sources for nature-based infrastructure solutions. To view the list and see if your project would qualify for over 88 programs, please visit HERE.
PS RAFT (Recovery Acceleration Funding Tool) – Developed by Puget Sound Partnership, this tool collects information about national, state, and regional funding opportunities. Explore the tool HERE.
Coastal Funding Database – Updated weekly, Coastal Quest provides current funding opportunities that support coastal resilience programs and projects. Explore the database HERE.
FundHubWA – A portal for state and federal climate and clean energy funding opportunities for individuals, businesses, nonprofits, public agencies, and tribal governments. FundHubWA is sponsored and administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce and is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act.
Northwest Environmental Justice Center – The Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law have made available funding opportunities for environmental and funding projects. Learn more and apply HERE.
Riparian funding opportunity! EPA has awarded Ecology funds through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Puget Sound Recovery National Program Office to develop a grant program and facilitate subawards towards improving the climate resiliency of riparian systems in Puget Sound. Over $17 million dollars will be directed into riparian systems recovery projects and programs. More information can be found here. The RFP will close on January 15, 2025.
Upcoming Opportunity:
Puget Sound Partnership Pre-Request for Information for Monitoring and Accelerating Recovery. Up to $750k will be awarded of which $400k will be for category 1, Vital Signs status and trends and $350k for category 2, addressing questions, gaps, and information needs in the recovery system. A release of the solicitation for project proposals will be in early January. Learn more HERE.
Financial Resources
Funding Barriers Request Form – Share funding barriers that you have experienced with PSPs Strategic Funding Team
Grant Writer Technical Assistance Request Form – PSP can assist with grant writing, identifying funding opportunities, and monitor grant progression.