Get Involved
Contact the LIO, participate in an upcoming meeting, or learn about other opportunities to support the Puyallup Watershed.
About the Local Integrating Organization
We are helping Puget Sound recover by bringing together diverse groups and communities and applying local knowledge and expertise to the many challenges facing the Puyallup-White River Watershed (WRIA 10) on its path to recovery.
In December of 2018, the Puyallup River Watershed Council was recognized by the Puget Sound Partnership as the sponsor for the Puyallup-White River Local Integrating Organization (PWR-LIO). In 2019-21, we developed and adopted an Ecosystem Recovery Plan for our watershed which encompassed five focus areas identified by LIO stakeholder groups including salmon, estuaries, floodplains, stormwater, and water quality. In 2021 we began working with PWR-LIO partners and Near Term Action owners to implement the plan, which serves as a catalyst for the recovery of the Puyallup-White River watershed, and thereby Puget Sound. In 2022, additional funding was secured through the National Estuary Program to develop a mapping tool and online portal for the ERP. With updates to the 2022-2026 Action Agenda, we are moving away from Near Term Actions but continue to focus on using the Ecosystem Recovery Plan to inform iterations of the Action Agenda for Puget Sound Recovery.
Tom Kantz served as the interim chair in 2018-19 when the body was forming. In April 2019, Allan Warren was elected Chair of both the PWR LIO as served for three years. Cindy Haverkamp is the current Chair of the PWR LIO. Current participation includes: City of Tacoma, City of Sumner, Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, Pierce County, Pierce Conservation District, King Conservation District, Trout Unlimited, WSU Washington Stormwater Center, Puyallup Watershed Initiative, Forterra, Rainier and Tahoma Audubon Societies, and residents. We are coordinating closely with the Puyallup and Chambers Watersheds Lead Entity for Salmon Recovery. Participation is open to all.
The PWR-LIO covers Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 10, the Puyallup-White River, and a portion of the northern tip of WRIA 12 north of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. View the LIO’s interactive webmap to explore the geographic area.
Upcoming LIO Meetings
Quarterly LIO Meetings are usually held four times a year, on the second Wednesday of the month, from 10:00am-12:00pm (every third month). Meetings are currently held on Zoom.
Remaining meetings in 2024 will be held on September 11 and December 11. See the contact information below to request a Zoom link for upcoming meetings.
Other Ways to Get Involved
Participating in a quarterly LIO meeting isn’t the only way to get involved. You can also:
- Request a presentation about the LIO for your agency, organization, or group
- Join the PWR-LIO stakeholder contacts email list to receive meeting announcements, agendas, and meeting minutes (see link below)
- Read the Ecosystem Recovery Plan, adopted August 2021
- Attend a PRWC board meeting on the 4th Thursdays of most months from 3:00pm-5:00pm at Pierce Conservation District offices, 308 West Stewart Ave, Puyallup WA. There is a standing agenda item for PWR-LIO updates to the board, which oversees the LIO.
- Bookmark and check this website for future updates and meetings
Our Mission: We are citizens and representatives of businesses, governments and other groups collaborating to achieve clean water, healthy habitats and thriving communities. You can help PRWC fulfill its mission to restore, protect and enhance the environmental, economic and cultural health of our watershed, from Mount Rainier to Commencement Bay. The PRWC is an IRS 501c3 nonprofit organization. You can make a tax-deductible gift in support of PRWC’s mission.
Contact Information
Join the PWR-LIO stakeholder contacts email list to receive meeting announcements, agendas, and meeting minutes.
Contact the PWR LIO Chair Cindy Haverkamp at
Contact the LIO Coordinator, Kristen Durance by emailing
Participating Organizations
16 organizations have participated in the LIO and in development of the Ecosystem Recovery Plan. Local watershed residents also participate in the LIO.
- City of Tacoma
- City of Sumner
- Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
- Pierce Conservation District
- Pierce County
- WSU Washington Stormwater Center
- Puyallup Watershed Initiative
- Forterra
- Rainier Audubon Society
- Tahoma Audubon Society
- Port of Tacoma
- Puyallup Tribe of Indians
- WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife
- Metro Parks Tacoma
- WA Dept of Ecology
- Pierce County Council