PWR LIO Meetings 

  • Next Meeting – July 26; 10:00-12:00 PM PST – (Zoom) 
  • Past LIO Meeting Notes/Summary (April 26, 2023) 



We would like to welcome Cindy Haverkamp as the LIO’s new chair transitioning over from the role previously held by Krystal Kyer. Cindy is eager to step into this new role and incorporate her past experience engaging with multiple environmental issues in our region, ranging from public health to climate justice and much more! Please join us at next weeks’ meeting on July 26th where we will officially welcome Cindy and learn more about her experience and the role she would like the LIO to play in local ecosystem recovery! 


Local Events 

  • USACE Opportunity for Comment on proposed Nearshore Nationwide Permit – The USACE Northwestern Division is seeking comments on whether to adopt proposed Regional General Conditions (as shown in the attached document) for Nationwide Permits for work in the nearshore in Puget Sound. Please see attached PDF for more info. The public notice expiration date is July 27, 2023. 


  • Pierce County Trails Day – ForeverGreen Trails (FGT), a countywide trail advocacy nonprofit, annually organizes Pierce County Trails Day, which is Saturday, July 29th this year. The goals of Trails Day are to get folks out and active and also to promote stewardship of our trails, parks, and other natural areas. FGT is but a recruiter/organizer. The real magic comes from the dozens of partners who host of the individual activities that comprise Trails Day. They invite you, your organization, agency, club, faith group, neighborhood association, or even you as an individual or as part of an unofficial group to host a Trails Day activity. 
  • Any activity is welcome as long as it is: 
  1. In Pierce County and free/open to the public 
  1. On Trails Day OR the day before or the day after (so, any day from July 28-30) 
  1. Involves either active recreation or a stewardship activity 
  • Being a host is very easy. The Trails Day webpage has a one-pager “how-to” guide as well as a short signup form. Hosts should promote their activity of course, but they provide additional online and in-print promotion of all Trails Day opportunities see links on the event website for examples and more info HERE.  


  • National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration – The National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER) will be held April 14-19, 2024 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. NCER is a premier gathering of ecosystem restoration professionals, bringing together scientists, engineers, policy makers, planners, and partners from across the country. They invite those working in large scale or small scale ecosystem restoration to submit an abstract describing efforts, science, projects and results. This is a great opportunity to share your work, your experience and research results concerning ecosystem restoration. Abstracts are due September 1, and to learn more on how to submit click HERE and about the conference in general click HERE. 


Local News 

  • Atlantis model from Puget Sound Institute – “Prey and predators create varying life-or-death conditions for salmon, as shown with Atlantis model” is the title of a new article by PSI staff on how Atlantis has been used to study the food web to determine whether salmon are more threatened by predators or by the lack of a stable food supply. It turns out that one way to help salmon would be to find ways to increase the local herring populations, according to researchers at Long Live the Kings who are leading the project. To read the article click HERE. 


  • Align Partnership has signed its MOU – See the attached copy for the content of that MOU (and great context on Align’s purpose for new folks). The Align Partnership is an interagency group focused on how to help support systemic improvements in state grant-making for ecosystem restoration, salmon recovery, and water quality. Members include staff from PSP, Ecology, WDFW, WSCC and RCO.  The intent of the MOU is to reinvigorate the work of Align, create a regular feedback loop between practitioners and agency leadership, and secure the resources Align needs to accomplish a work plan to be developed at least biannually. The signed MOU also conveys the trust and investment of partner agencies in the work of Align. Align will be developing its biannual work plan, and there is interest in including LIOS and project sponsors in that process. PSP has also designated funds for a facilitator, contracted through RCO, to support the Align program, which should be a great help to this effort! 


  • Bull Kelp Listing – NOAA announced that the 90-day finding for the petition to list bull kelp will formally publish in the Federal Register on June 22. Long story short: the petition was denied because it did not present substantial scientific evidence indicating listing may be warranted. For more info on this decision, please click HERE. 


  • Funds Awarded for 6PPD and Wastewater Research – UW Tacoma’s Puget Sound Institute (PSI) and its parent organization the Center for Urban Waters (CUW) are the recipients of more than $3.2 million dollars in grants this month from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Washington’s Puget Sound Partnership. The funds will go toward understanding and reducing emerging threats from toxic chemicals in Puget Sound. The grants — six in total — will support projects based at CUW and PSI labs at UW Tacoma.  For more information read this article HERE. These include: 
  • Two grants totaling approximately $940,000 to study the occurrence and impacts of contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products found within the White-Puyallup and Stillaguamish watersheds (led by PSI’s Dr. Andy James). 
  • Three studies receiving a combined $1.3 million dollars to continue research into the management and effects of the highly toxic chemical derivative 6PPDQ from tires (led or co-led by CUW’s Dr. Ed Kolodziej). 
  • Approximately $1 million dollars to study innovative ways to remove and destroy PFCs from wastewater (led by PSI Director Dr. Joel Baker) 


Funding Opportunities 

  • PSP’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Tracker – This tool tracks funding in the BIL related to Puget Sound recovery priorities, to view the BIL funding tracker please click HERE (updated regularly). PSP also produced an End-of-Session Review for the 117th Congress, to read up on it click HERE. 


  • Federal Funding for Nature Based Solutions – The National Wildlife Federation has developed a new searchable database of federal funding sources for nature-based infrastructure solutions. To view the list and see if your project would qualify for over 75 programs please visit HERE. 


  • NEW! Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) – Pre-applications are now due July 26th, 2023. This is quite a bit earlier than previous rounds but EMD’s pre-application form is a max of 500 words. You can find the pre-application form here. If you need assistance or would simply like to discuss your projects suitability, please reach out to and EMD will work with you to refine your submission. For more info on submitting pre-applications please click HERE. 
  • Eligible Sub-Applicants: Local governments, including cities, townships, counties, special district governments, and tribes (including federally recognized tribes who choose to apply as sub-applicants) are eligible for grant consideration. All sub-applicants must have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan by the grant application deadline and at the time of award, in accordance with Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 201. 
  • Funding: All statements regarding potentially available funds are estimates inferred from last year’s nationally available funding for FEMA’s 2022 BRIC of $2.95 billion. FEMA will establish specific state allocations and tribal set-asides, as described in their NOFO, this is expected to leave about $2.13 billion available for the national project competition. The maximum federal share available to any single project sub-application is typically around $50,000,000. 
  • BRIC funds are competitively available for eligible mitigation activities that fall into two main categories: 
  • Capability- and Capacity-Building (C&CB): activities which enhance the knowledge, skills, expertise, etc., of the current workforce to expand or improve the administration of mitigation assistance. This includes activities in the following sub-categories: building codes activities, partnerships, project scoping (previously known as advance assistance), mitigation planning and planning-related activities (e.g., writing or updating hazard mitigation plans), and other activities. We anticipate that states may submit up to $2,000,000 (federal share) of eligible C&CB sub-applications. 
  • Mitigation Projects: cost-effective projects designed to increase resilience and public safety, reduce injuries and loss of life, and reduce damage and destruction to property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure. The maximum federal share available to any single project sub-application is typically around $50,000,000. Projects can also be phased, and you can work with EMD to discuss phasing. 


  • NEW! Shoreline Planning Competitive Grants – The Department of Ecology is opening up competitive grants to support local shoreline planning and planning-related efforts that advance climate resilience, improve the implementation of SMPs, or support local shoreline planning priorities. Projects funded through this grant program do not need to directly result in SMP amendments but are expected to serve the public interest and support the policy of the Shoreline Management Act. Application Opens: July 5, 2023 and closes on August 17, 2023. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, and funding requests will vary based on project type and scope. Ecology anticipates funding a wide variety of projects, ranging in cost up to the maximum award amount of $250,000. For more info and apply click HERE. 


  • NEW! NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge Approximately $575 million is available for projects that build the resilience of coastal communities to extreme weather (e.g., hurricanes and storm surge) and other impacts of climate change, including sea level rise and drought. Click HERE for more info. 

The focus of this grant program is on collaborative approaches to achieving resilience in coastal regions. Proposed projects should address risk reduction, regional collaboration, and equity, and build enduring capacity for adaptation. Use this information resource, and view the video below, to learn more. 


NOAA technical assistance is available for organizations applying for and receiving a grant. Many technical assistance options are available, including data, tools, training, and access to NOAA expertise. Visit the technical assistance page to learn more.  

There are two parallel but separate funding tracks. 

  • Track One: Regional Collaborative Building and Strategy Development 
  • Funding Availability: NOAA will select 20 to 25 applicants, to receive $500,000 to $2 million each, which will be spent over three to five years. Typical Track One awards are anticipated to be $1 million. Total funding for all Track One awards may be up to $25 million. 
  • Eligible Activities: activities to 1) build and expand regional collaboratives; 2) engage and partner with marginalized, underserved, and underrepresented communities; 3) assess risk and vulnerability; 4) plan resilience strategies and adaptation actions; and 5) build community and workforce capacity for climate adaptation efforts. The Notice of Funding Opportunity provides additional examples. 


  • Track Two: Implementation of Resilience and Adaptation Actions 
  • Funding Availability: NOAA will select approximately 15 applicants to receive $15 to $75 million each, to be spent over five years. Typical Track Two awards are anticipated to be between $25 and $50 million. Total funding available for all Track Two awards is up to $550 million. 
  • Eligible Activities:  activities such as 1) acquiring vulnerable land; 2) building natural infrastructure; 3) hybrid green (natural) and gray (structural) construction activities; 4) strengthening or protecting public access to coastal natural resources; 5) building the region’s capacity for ongoing actions that increase resilience; 6) planning and preparing for community-led relocation; and 7) updating state and local codes and policies. The Notice of Funding Opportunity provides additional examples. 


The First Step: Outline your proposed project and submit a letter of intent. NOAA will invite selected applicants to submit a full application. Details regarding the letter of intent and the application are provided within the funding announcement. 

  • Due Dates: For the letter of intent: Monday, August 21, 2023. For the full application: Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024. 
  • Eligible Applicants: Coastal states, territories, counties, cities, tribes, and tribal organizations; public or private nonprofit organizations; and institutions of higher education. 
  • Matching Funds: There is no matching requirement for this funding. 
  • Technical Assistance: NOAA may provide technical assistance for applicants developing letters of intent and full proposals. Visit our technical assistance page to learn more. 
  • Virtual Information Sessions for Applicants: Dates and times for virtual information sessions will be 


  • NEW! NFWF Killer Whale Conservation Fund – The NFWF Killer Whale Conservation Fund have expanded priorities in Chinook and forage fish (sand lance and herring) restoration this year and are particularly interested in projects in geographies that you represent. Funding may be smaller than what is available for projects in WA (most awards are going to be between $50K-500K), but they are also fairly flexible. NFWF are interested in ways that their funding might help you prepare for or access larger dollars, build capacity or fill gaps that are not provided for in other programs. They have also added a pre-proposal process (short form and 2-page narrative) to reduce barrier to entry as we know there are opportunity costs to applications, and have removed the match requirement this year (although still strongly encourage to demonstrate project support and sustainability). Click HERE for more details on this funding opportunity.  

Important Dates: 

  1. Applicant Overview Webinar – July 21, 2023 at 11am PT (Click HERE to register) 
  1. Pre-Proposal Due Date – August 31, 2023 
  1. Full Proposal Webinar – September 15, 2023 
  1. Full Proposal Due Date – October 31, 2023 


  • Local Parks Maintenance Grants The Washington State Legislature provided one-time funding in the operating budget to help local parks departments maintain their working facilities to meet the needs of their residents. This program will focus on helping communities in need address maintenance backlogs for key local parks facilities and capital improvements. Accessed through a simple application process, grants can be used for general maintenance of things such as trails, restrooms, picnic sites, playgrounds, signs, and kiosks. The application period runs from June 30, 2023, through July 31, 2023. To get you started on thinking about project proposals, they encourage you to visit RCO’s web page for more info and learn about planned webinars HERE. 


  • 2023-25 Shoreline Planning Competitive Grant Ecology is pleased to announce they will be offering the Shoreline Planning Competitive Grant Program in the 2023-25 biennium. The grant program will fund shoreline planning-related projects that support a wide range of goals, including topics such as advancing climate resilience, improving SMP implementation, and supporting local shoreline planning priorities. Successful projects do not need to result in an SMP amendment. The 2023-25 Shoreline Planning application period runs from July 5, 2023, through August 17, 2023. To get you started on thinking about project proposals, they encourage you to visit Ecology’s Shoreline Planning web page for short descriptions of projects were funded in the 2021-23 pilot grant round HERE. 


  • NEW! Puget Sound Strategic Initiative Lead’s Funding The Shellfish and Stormwater SILs are excited to announce two new funding opportunities for programs, activities, and lines of work that advance Puget Sound recovery and protection. 
  1. A full list of all projects that responded to RFPs (dating back from Fall 2022) can be found HERE with award details. Moving forward this list will be updated by the SILs for future RFPs. 
  1. The Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead Team (SIL) will be extending the application period for Chemical Action Plan (CAP) Implementation proposals in the current Toxics in Fish Request for Proposals. This second round of funding closes on August 15, 2023. There is still grant funding available for proposals that address CAP recommended actions to reduce sources and discharges of PFAS, PCB, and PBDE, including but not limited to: 
  • Support for site characterization, source investigation, and mitigation of contaminated sites 
  • Work with communities to remove and replace household and/or building products containing these toxic chemicals 
  • Expand environmental monitoring to identify new areas requiring cleanup 


Job Announcements 

  • Habitat Implementation Strategy Lead – DNR

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead is excited to announce that we are officially recruiting for our new Implementation Strategy Lead! This position will sit within the Department of Natural Resources’ Aquatic Resources Division and will spearhead the development and operationalization of the Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy. The recruitment is currently open through July 26th. Please share with your networks and help us find an excellent candidate! I am happy to discuss the details of the position with any interested applicant, so feel free to direct them to me at or (564) 200-3508.   Note the salary range is $70,800.00 – $95,184.00 annually plus health insurance, retirement, and other benefits outlined in the link above. The recruitment is open until 7/26/2023.